A comprehensive service that guarantees higher
yields with minimal administrative,
financial and personnel burden for you

The Varistar map, on the other hand, fully corresponds to reality, which was verified by the previous experience of the client himself, who ordered the preparation of both maps.
We are compatible with more than 95% of agricultural machinery. Varistar can communicate with many terminals and machines with and without ISOBUS. Before signing a contract, we always check compatibility and propose a suitable solution without additional investment. And if it is required to use our own terminal, we supply it free of charge as part of the service.
The more inputs are applied variably, the higher the benefit. It is also often essential that the variable applications build on each other, e.g. variably sown crops need to be variably fertilised. With Varistar you can prepare application maps for variable fertilisation, sowing and application of crop protection products for wheat, barley, rape, maize, potatoes and other crops.
As the only one on the market, we can also prepare the application map as a combination of RYP and current satellite image (e.g. for nitrogen fertilization) or RYP map and soil analysis (for P and K fertilization).
The Varistar system is user-friendly, yet we pride ourselves on top-notch technical support, quality staff training, detailed and easy-to-understand instructions and service. In addition, in the event of a major malfunction, service intervention on our supplied equipment is free of charge for our clients.
transfer of application
maps to terminals and the actual
execution of the application
Ing. Jan Semrád
Finance and marketing
Ing. Martina Semrádová
Technical support
Ing. Roman Varga